Barabás Engineering Ltd. is the Hungarian representative of Bucher Hydraulics.
In the field of hydraulic drives and control systems the innovative solutions of Bucher Hydraulics represent top level. Bucher Hydraulics offers customer-specific systems, units and parts as all its developments are based upon application conditions and requirements.
Among Bucher products the internal gear pumps and the elements developed for mobile hydraulic applications have special importance. The main advantage of internal gear pumps is the low noise level and the pulsation free pump flow. The elements developed for mobile hydraulics are used mainly in the agriculture but due to their wide range and easy installation they have significant industrial application too.
Web site: Bucher Hydraulics GmbH

ISO srl. designs, develops and manufactures hydraulic and electronic parts for the machine industry, always considering customers' requirements and reliability.
The product portfolio of ISO srl. covers almost all hydraulic applications, e.g. valves, filters, mini power packs, check valves, filling valves, and different electronic systems. Among them the filling valves are specially important as there are only very few manufacturers of these products.
Web site: ISO srl

All products sold by us meet the requirements of ISO 9001 quality management. In case of bigger orders we can grant discounts. For all products sold by us we provide full-scale technical support.